Friday, December 11, 2009

cinna's letter.

.. Shakespearean English overkill? Methinks so.

Dearest Brutus,

I have decided to act now, for I fear there is little time before it is too late. Brutus, I beseech thou to take a stand against Caesar; for he is noble, yet a great danger to Rome. Many citizens, like myself, feel this way but durst not speak of it, so I am here to tell thee that Rome needs thou to step up and lead it from this horrible state it has fallen into, whilst there is still hope.

Whilst Caesar is an honourable man, loved by all, he cannot lead this city. His ambition causes me to believe he is not trustworthy. His irrepressible hunger to gain power is what has me worried. This, noble Brutus, it a trait thou dost not show. This is why Rome needs a leader like yourself to conquer Caesar and once again make it the city it once was. Thou could lead Rome as well, if not better, than Caesar could, so why should thee not? If thy love for Rome is genuine, than do not allow Caesar to continue his reign, for it will surely lead to our destruction.

Think Brutus; art thou prepared to stand and watch as thy great city falls to the feet of a tyrant? Wouldst thou choose loyalty to a friend over Rome and all it’s people? I now leave thee to ponder this, though I prithee thou dost so quite hastily. There is not much time left to tarry.

From, a lover and loyal follower.

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